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The sailing restaurant

Welcome to Seglarhotellet’s own archipelago restaurant in 1897 The sailing restaurant was built as a KSSS clubhouse at the end of the 19th century and was inaugurated on July 9, 1897 in connection with King Oscar II having an anniversary regatta to celebrate his 25th birthday as regent of Sweden and Norway. At Sandhamn Seglarhotell …


A gem in an archipelago environment everyone wants to find

Both locals and everyone who visits our island thrive here.

Open seasonally from May to September and other times on request.

During the day, the outdoor terrace offers the best look out spot, with a well-cooked and affordable lunch. Later in the evening, the kitchen turn up the ambitions further with the food inspired by coastal areas. Finally, do not miss the bar hangout with some nice music and drinks mixed with a knowledgeable hand

Sandhamns Värdshus

Welcome to Sandhamns Värdshus dating from 1672

We are a classic inn that is open all year round, with us there is something for everyone, we serve everything from today’s dishes to a la carte and seafood platters