Notice: file_get_contents(): read of 8192 bytes failed with errno=21 Is a directory in /var/www/clients/client1/web1/web/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4629

Notice: wp_json_file_decode(): Error when decoding a JSON file at path /var/www/clients/client1/web1/web/wp-content/themes/sandhamn/resources: Syntax error in /var/www/clients/client1/web1/web/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6085

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Notice: wp_json_file_decode(): Error when decoding a JSON file at path /var/www/clients/client1/web1/web/wp-content/themes/sandhamn/resources: Syntax error in /var/www/clients/client1/web1/web/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6085

Sandhamn is one of Stockholm’s archipelago’s most iconic places. Here you will find a wide range of nature experiences, leisure activities, and archipelago life. The sea, the forest and the beaches create a world-unique experience. Do not miss to visit us both summer and winter, all seasons have their own charm.

All accommodation is open all year round and is ready to give you a chance to experience the archipelago whenever you want