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We run regular traffic with Tärnan / Sandhamnspilen, direct boat from Stavsnäsvinterhamn to Sandhamn, we can also operate Telegrafholmen, Lökholmen and Trouvillebryggan.

We perform everything from pure taxi boat trips to cruises and large archipelago events under our own auspices where we collaborate with local archipelago residents, fishermen, musicians, guides, bus companies, restaurants and hotels and more.

Tärnan, also known as Sandhamnspilen, is our work ant that can handle the most varied assignments. The boat takes you to Sandhamn if you want, or another island in the Stockholm archipelago. A day can start with driving birdwatchers to Grönskär before the sun rises, and then driving regular traffic of summer cottage owners, bathers and goods between many piers at a high pace. During the evening, the management team will be picked up from the multinational company in Stockholm. They start with a drink, confer and enjoy a 3-course meal while the skipper guides in the strait out to the dance at the archipelago hotel.